While you have been sitting on that beach, wiling away the hours, Youngblood has not rested! Much! Okay we have rested a little! But two of us...specifically The Annas...have not rested at all. Ms. Kerrigan and Ms. Moench have productions going up in August, and you should absolutely check them out. First up...

The Talls
by Anna Kerrigan
Directed by Carolyn Cantor
With Gerard Canonico, Timothee Chalamet, Shannon Esper, Lauren Holmes, Michael Oberholtzer, Peter Rini, and Christa Scott-Reed
August 1st - 27th
At Second Stage Theatre (Uptown)
McGinn/Cazale Theatre 2162 Broadway (at 76th Street)
The Clarke family is dealing with some very tall problems. Just ask 17-year-old Isabelle Clarke. Negotiating Catholicism, politics and virginity in the 1970’s can make the tallest girl feel really small. A comic drama about coming of age when life’s lessons come in all sizes.
Click here for tickets & more information.
(PS you may remember The Talls as Anna's Bloodworks 2010!)
Next/almost simultaneously up...

The Pillow Book
by Anna Moench
Directed by David F. Chapman
With Eric Bryant, Julie Fitzpatrick, and Vanessa Wasche
August 4 - 20th
Presented by Firework Theater at 59E59 Theaters
59 E. 59th Street, Theater C
Deb and John are married. Deb and John are strangers. Deb saves John's life on a mountain. John blinds Deb on the Serengeti. John works at an office. John works at a different office. Deb is a doctor, or an exterminator. The Pillow Book is a journey through the real, the imagined, the impossible, and the parallel—because who you were when you got married might not be who you are now.
Click here for tickets and more information.
Go, Annas, go!