Friday, December 07, 2012

A Question To Which You Can Answer, "John Philip Sousa"

Q: What celebrated American trapshooter, a fella some have celebrated as the father of organized trapshooting in America, also wrote a novel about a group of lady-hating men who go to sea?

A: John Philip Sousa!

Bonus question:

How does this excellent-sounding novel end?

Well! While the men have been hating on women, and sailing around a lot, it turns out the captain's niece has stowed herself away on the boat. She persuades the men that women aren't so bad after all!

It all comes together in a love story:
"If we had lost the picture of Venus, my heart would have been broken, but, of course, you saved them and -- saved my heart."
 "And you think it was a wise provision of Nature, that brought me on earth?"
"I do," she whispered. 
"And I think it was a wise provision of Nature, that brought you on earth," he said. 
And then -- if the Statue of Liberty had shaded her eyes she would not have witnessed a long drawn kiss of love. 
 Two days later Mr. John Stoneman received this letter from his son:
Dear Dad:
Just got back from long trip. My views about responsibility are rotten. Yours about heredity equally so. My bookkeeper tells me that I have drawn from you to date $484,767.52 for which find my check enclosed.  
She is the sweetest thing on earth. Her name is Miranda Bradley. And the wedding takes place next Tuesday. Come.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's question to which you can answer, "John Philip Sousa!"

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