Monday, April 26, 2010

habituation versus torpor: week 1

Hello America (and Chinese hackers), long time no blog.

Story time...
So part of Youngblood's activity is meeting on a weekly basis to read excerpts from works-in-progress. For instance an act of a new play. Or a 150 page full-length play. Or two 150 page full-length plays. Or a couple of brunch scripts.

Everybody signs up a few weeks in advance and it generally works out ok. But sometimes NOBODY has any pages to bring because NOBODY's been working on sh*t. And when that happens rather than go home emptyhanded we decided to do our favorite thing in the world which is sit around complaining about the state of theatre.

And when we got tired of that we decided to come up with ways to make Youngblood better. One of the things we came up with was having more regular blog posts, by having weekly assignments where at least one member posts for the week. I got the first assignment because I bought it up.

Let's see if this whole "getting regular" thing sticks like a New Year's hangover or falls away like a New Year's resolution.



Monica said...

YAY! I'm reading.

--a reader

joshcon80 said...

Shouldn't somebody have posted another blog by now?